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1. Who can pass messages to patients regarding their Electrolytes or INR results, and the warfarin dosage at CRMC?
2. Can an MOA pass an Electrolytes or INR result and warfarin dosage message to a patient without a written message in a task from the PCP of the patient?
3. What are the 4 points that must be present in the task message sent by the PCP to the MOA for INR and Warfarin dosage?
4. What are the 5 points that must be present in the task message sent by the PCP to the MOA for Electrolytes results?
5. If the message that the PCP sent in a task misses one or more of the points mentioned above, what should the MOA do?
6. If the patient cannot speak English, can the Results-Safe staff member pass the message?
7. If a Results-Safe member of staff received the task from another Results-Safe member of staff, can these pass the message to the patient?
8. When passing the message to the patient what is the most important thing to do?
9. If the PCP replies with another message where s/he replies with only the missing information, what should the MOA do?
10. If an MOA does not feel sure about something, who should they ask to?
11. How often should Results-Safe MOAs repeat this exam to maintain their Results-Safe status?
12. After passing the message, what should the MOA do?

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