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Cranston Ridge Medical Clinic now offers TB testing at our clinic. The service is not covered by Alberta Health and will require a private payment depending on the services you may need.

The following are the costs of the service:

$45 for TB skin injection and reading of the results (1-step test)
$70 for TB skin injection and reading of the results (2-step test)


Please, make sure to book for the correct numbers of steps your school

or your employer requires. If you choose to book for a 1-step procedure

and you request a 2-step procedure at a later stage, you will have to pay

an additional $45. You cannot simply pay for the difference. Once the

payments transaction is complete, the money will not be returned under

any circumstance.

TB test appointments can only be booked on a Monday, Tuesday,
or Wednesday. After the injection, the reading must occur between
49 and 71 hours post-procedure.

For more information
, please call us at 587-620-3930.

CRMC staff members may access the booking protocol by clicking here.

CRMC no longer offers travel consultations and vaccines. If you need a travel consultation and relative vaccines, you may call CSDM at 587-623-1120 

or you can click here to visit their website.


  • What do I need to bring with me on appointment day?

    • You must make sure that you have your AHS card and your Alberta driver's licence or Alberta ID card.​

  • Who runs the service?

    • The service is run entirely by the Registered Nurse.​

  • What happens during the procedure?

    • On arrival, the RN will verify your identity and will ask you some questions to assess your past medical history. After you sign the consent form, the RN will inject 0.1 ml of purified TB proteine (dead TB) in between the upper and lower layers of your skin in one of your forearms.​ After making sure you are doing OK, and you are fit to leave, you are good to go but you must come back for the reading appointment which can only occur between 49 and 71 hours after the time of the injection. If you cannot attend the reading appointment during this specific window period, you must repeat the injection procedure once again in 1 week's time. If you have requested a 2-step test, you must repeat the entire process (injection and reading) 7 days after the first injection.

  • Can I catch TB through this procedure?

    • No. The injection contains purified TB protein only. The TB contained in the injection is dead and cannot infect you.​

  • Does this vaccinate me against TB?

    • No. This test only determines if you have been exposed to TB in the past and if you are likely to have latent TB (you have it but you don't know because it is not active at present).​

  • I don't know if I my employer or school requires a 1-step or 2-step test; what should I do?

    • Please, contact your employer or school and ask them what they require prior to booking an appointment with us.​ Payment is due over the phone before the booking can be scheduled. If you choose to book for a 1-step procedure and you request a 2-step procedure at a later stage, you will have to pay an additional $45. You cannot simply pay for the difference. Once the payments transaction is complete, the money will not be returned under any circumstance.

  • I no longer wish to undergo this test but I already paid for it when I scheduled it; can I apply for a refund?

    • No. Once the payment transaction is complete, you will not be returned the money under absolutely any circumstance.​

  • I arrived too late for the reading appointment and the MOA at the reception told me that I am out of the reading window period; what can I do?

    • Unfortunately, the test is time-sensitive. If you arrived late for whatever reason, you must repeat the step, including injection and reading, once again. This comes with an extra $45 charge that must be paid at the front desk when you book the next injection appointment again.​

  • Do I get a results certificate at the end of the test cycle?

    • Yes. after you have completed the needed injection/s and reading/s, you will receive a certificate signed and stamped by the RN bearing the registration credentials of the RN. This certificate is valid for 6 month from the date of the reading. Most countries in the world accept a certificate issued by registered nurses. If your country of destination does not accept certificates issued by RNs and you requires a certificate issued by a physician, you will have to pay an additional $45 charge.​

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