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Students, supervision

20(1) A person who is registered on the physicians, surgeons and osteopaths student register referred to in section 2(a)(vii) is authorized to perform the restricted activities set out in section 18, in the practice of medicine or osteopathy, under the supervision of a physician, surgeon or osteopath registered to practise in Alberta and in accordance with the Standards of Practice.

(2) A person who is registered on the physician assistants student register referred to in section 2(b)(vi) is authorized to perform the restricted activities set out in section 18, in the practice of physician assisting, under the supervision of a physician, surgeon, osteopath or physician assistant instructor registered to practise in Alberta and in accordance with the Standards of Practice.


(3) Supervision under this section must be carried out in accordance with the requirements for the supervision of students approved by the Council.

Non-regulated persons, supervision

22(1) A person who is not described in section 4(1)(a) of Schedule 7.1 to the Government Organization Act is permitted to perform a restricted activity described in section 18 only if that person

(a) while performing a restricted activity, has the consent of, and is being supervised in accordance with subsection (2) by, a physician, surgeon or osteopath registered to practise in Alberta and who is authorized to do that restricted activity independently, and

(b) is engaged in providing health services to another person.


(2) When a physician, surgeon or osteopath supervises a person referred to in subsection (1) performing a restricted activity, the physician, surgeon or osteopath must

(a) not be a regulated member registered on the physicians, surgeons and osteopaths student register, Section 23 AR 200/2020 PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, OSTEOPATHS AND PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS PROFESSION REGULATION 19

(b) be authorized to perform the restricted activity being performed,

(c) if the person being supervised is a regulated member of another college, be satisfied the other college is aware that the person is performing the restricted activity under supervision,

(d) supervise the person who is performing the restricted activity by being readily available for consultation by the person who is under supervision, and

(e) comply with the Standards of Practice governing the provision of supervision by regulated members of persons performing restricted activities in accordance with section 4(1)(b) of Schedule 7.1 to the Government Organization Act.

Students, supervision

17(1) A student who

(a) is enrolled in an approved nursing program, and

(b) is participating in a clinical practicum in Alberta or is employed as an undergraduate nursing employee in Alberta

is permitted to perform the restricted activities set out in section 15(1) under the supervision of a regulated member who is authorized to perform those restricted activities and has consented to supervise the restricted activities.

(2) A student who

(a) is enrolled in a nursing education program in a province or territory of Canada other than Alberta that is approved in that province or territory and that leads to initial entry to practise as a registered nurse, and

(b) is participating in a clinical practicum in Alberta or is employed as an undergraduate nursing employee in Alberta

is permitted to perform the restricted activities set out in section 15(1) under the supervision of a regulated member who is authorized to perform those restricted activities and has consented to supervise the restricted activities.

(3) A student who

(a) is enrolled in a nursing education program in a jurisdiction outside Canada that is approved in that jurisdiction, and

(b) has been authorized by an educational institution in Alberta to participate in a clinical practicum of an approved nursing program in Alberta offered by the educational institution

is permitted to perform the restricted activities set out in section 15(1) under the supervision of a regulated member who is authorized to perform those restricted activities and has consented to supervise the restricted activities.

Applicants for registration

17.1 An applicant for registration as a regulated member who is required by the Registrar or Registration Committee to take a course that includes a clinical component is, when engaged in the clinical component of the course and to the extent necessary to fulfill the requirements of the clinical component of the course, permitted to perform the restricted activities set out in section 15(1) or (5) under the supervision of a person who is authorized to perform those restricted activities and has consented to supervise the restricted activities. AR 201/2018 s20

Non-regulated persons, supervision

18(1) A person who is not referred to in section 4(1)(a) of Schedule 7.1 to the Government Organization Act is permitted to perform the restricted activity of inserting and removing instruments, devices, fingers and hands beyond the labia majora and anal verge under supervision by a regulated member but only if that person

(a) has the consent of, and is being supervised by, a regulated member while performing the restricted activity, and

(b) is engaged in providing health services to another person.

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